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I do not beleive any of this.


Many individuals receive information in different ways, some need to see it, some need to read it. Most people dont care unless it affects them, this is called severe apathy and normalcy bias. It is a common traid to have in American, crime and government corruption is generally ignored in the U.S and a large population benefits from it.


You either are a part of the problem and know what to say to discredit people or your have been blissfully ignorant on current corruption problems in the U.S. The other groups are probbably too unintelligent to realize they are being lied to and taken advantage of, primarily the large religious groups in the U.S

I support the decision to kill and lynch african americans.


64% of white americans in the U.S have a prejudice or bias against minority inclusion of of the 264 milliion/316 million citizens. It is widely accepted to be proud, american, prejudice and support all group interests of white america. Why not? What could benefit you more than a unfair advantage based on separationism. Many minorities such as myself as marginalized and excluded simply because we arent intellectually as invested. Fairness provides a equal playing field, and even more better competitors in any sport.

What is the problem?


The explanation is very long, and truly complicated, the answer can be short but doesnt fit the problem. A number of issues are involved here, primarily human rights, it is being grossly disregarded. This is common with selfish, corrupt and self serving decisions for financial gain in corrupt organizations. Weapons are being developed based on wireless, and satellite technology.


The same signal that is sent to your cellphone is now being used for surveillance and as a weapon. The radiation caused by sending a RF signals to a cellphone, known to cause cancr and tumors, is being tested on homes, primarily from smart meters. The smart meter produces a EMF field much larger than tha field produced during a cellphones use. All that is required is directed energy weapons to pin point or select body parts within the field to see how much impairment they cause.





You are crazy (Schizophrenia, Dellusions, Paranoia)


This is a normal response, all americans have a degree of normalcy bias and suffer from apathy, unless they themselves are on the receiving end of the problem. Most americans derive information from another source, and have no actually had hands on experience with mental illness. Your natural defense to something that is beyond you scope of immediate responsibilities is to, denounce it, call someone crazy, denial, or forget about it.


This is the safest course of action called normalcy bias and apathy, no person wants to take the risk, and risk their position in life for worse. This is the primary reason the crime continues and many ethical problems exists, most people are cowards and will do so happily, even a dollar donation is too much for them to handle.


Are you sure your not mentally ill?


This as explained in (4), is a defense mechanism in todays society which idolized extroverted personalities, and in return chastising behavior ensues. Many people are ostricized due to the ease of success from extroverts, this has lead to misconceptions about sanity, where extroversion is "a loose chain", or "lack of care or sensitivity".


My research and in my experience, no i am not mentally ill, there is a severe difference between schizophrenia, and a actual psychosis problem. The problem is, the explanation requires a shared experience, and this is dependant on individal aptitute to know from normal or not. If you have explored you mind well, you will understand very well you habits and can control them. I have excellent control over my emotions and my own urges, i know where they come from.


Someone who suffers harassment from CBI/BCI torture used in these weapons, understands that thier normal control still exists, and logic is still retained. What is experienced is an addition to normal situations, that becomes easy to detect as external influence. Victims of this crime can feel the radiation penetrate the exterior of the skull as is causes ionizing radiation under the skin.


Privitized Hate Crime, Systems General FAQ


This in brief covers a few topics about EMF/EMR and the subsystems called radio signals that conform the electrical functionality. Some general FAQ about victims and whom is and whom isnt a victim. What to watch out for or other simpler questions.

Most people want a easy answer that fits thier viewpoint

Please be assured, everything i have done is not because i wanted to, i believed i would never be a victim of something this immature. All of the research i have done is on medicine, physics, nuclear physics, thermodynamics, nanomaterial, molecular processes. I am a art and computer science major, that is far from my interests, but i have done so to share and explain this to others.



I have no sough after a answer i want ot beleive in, i did not produce the information, reports, and research, that i have only chosen and deduced what is going on. What i have done is called cross-referencing research, and it is supported by basic research into the founding science that leads to the terms i present. Cross referencing research involves, confounding, which means to find repetition and contradicting information. Often if something is a common practice or true, it will be present in a number of unrelated items which are similar.



The research i have presented is a deduced list of problems which arise from specific particles, atoms, molecules, energy sources. This is called a defined focus, a formal research method, or cross referenced research. I have not chosen at random what i want, i have found a current and active development of the problem.



What makes you think your being targeted?


For redundancys sake, these are generalized questions seeking generalized answers, the answer is not simple. I do not have the resources to answer that question, what i do have, is the intelligence, knowledge, and research to back up the acts i claim are occuring. Most people have a tendancy to detract from resolving the issue, and want the results immediately, on thing at a time.


I need to go to court with profound evidence, and strike anyone who is standing in the way of it. Currently the government will not assist in finding out whom, and coincidentally has no resourced to counteract hundreds of clinical and military research experiments on the use of the weapons for exactly which is claimed. The research and development of several methods to produce it.


I will never know the reason without a proper investigation, i am not agent 007 or have a army to help me find miscellaneous persons using long distance weapons. If a threw a rock off a cliff, would anyone know who

did it?


The government is a active party in concealing whom is comitting the crime, a cliff to climb, i dont have the time to climb a cliff that resists me.



What makes you think your being targeted?


Simply, the absurb amount of access the government, agencies, and corporations have to pry into your data on the internet is part of the problem. It is difficult to find someone wirelessly if you cannot find out where they live or what they do, the safest way to do this is over the internet or by cellphone. This is the current focus of the NSA, which is finding anyone who is or isnt comitting crime in the U.S, and by declaring martal law in a time of war, everyone of interest citizen or not.


This is illegal of course, and it a perversion of words that are explicit, this is typicall among legal interpreters whom confuse the job with renditions of law.




So you beleive this is going on?


Typicall psychologist response, and the profession today is unraveling as a quack profession. Much of the research is based on twin studied of invitro results. The problem is, modern technology is confounding the DMS IV TR in the U.S, which is why many nations still will not accept it as a standard. Much research beyond 1948 is still very questionable, and has no cure or source of the ailments involeved. When a psychologists has asked me this question, i learned they have a predetermined prejudice and bias.


Speaking about CBI/BCI communication invokes an assumption you are schizophrenic. The doctors making this assumption are not clinical doctors, clinical researchers and do not practice the use of modern neuroscience technology. They get their information down the grapevine in psychology and the accepted statistical pratice of medicine intervention. The profession is known to be fraudulent and make matters worse, because of the exclusion of neuroscience and nano, molecular physiology from the diagnosis without testing.


This is a dangerous situation for victims, and results in prognosis of a mental illness without fact or evidence and purely on heresay. This is the purpose of the use of the radio, satellite, CBI/BCI weapons, they produce defraud and discredit the victim  because no doctor will produce the tests or knowledge to reveal it.



You just dont want to admit your crazy


As someone whom has always excelled at finding critical information and developing ideas, i understand the response. As stated, people want a easy andwer and apathy and normalcy bias will lead people to limit how much danger may be presented to them at any point. People in the U.S want to beleive they are safe from harm and can make reckless decisions, this is normal human behavior. This is dangerous to victims and is mainly why the crime continues, other will simply personalize the facts to thier own experiences, rather than hear the message.


This is why the stigma applied by schizophrenia is essential to defraud victims, the conditioned response to this information in the U.S protects the use of it on african americans. Most citizens will disbeleive the possibility, there are 313 million citizens in the U.S is would be evident if a large number were complaining baout this, but when you disperse 1.5 million across the U.S is is suddenly acceptable.


African americans are 200% more likely, and carribean foreign blacks are 6 times more likely to be diagnosed schizophrenic for one reason. We are not part of the population that has been dumbed down or has given up in the U.S on success.


How does the weapons or system work?


The system works exactly the same way your cellphone service carrier or satellite internet carrier would work, DTV, Hughesnet,Verizon, AT&T. A signal is sent to devices in your location to use grid hacking infrared resonance techniques, or device receivers to monitor and track you location. The NSA is providing this service to the parties that are conductive the hate crime, the com services and government attempt to not be a party to the act.


The government is, and the infromation required to do it, requires elevated privilgeges, to monitor calls and home activity, no private company has these resources without government approval. NSA mass surveillance is the beginning of mass domestic surveillance using smart metered homes to force a family on a budget into eugenics.


A number of individuals in the home are selected for eugenics in a hard to notice order and will suffer various ailments in that order. The most productive african american in the home, of the children will be systemically impaired "myself", the others whom are socially clueless will see some changes.


Numerous signals will be directed in the area will strike electornics, devices, the power box, outlets, and item with a power service line. The linear energy weapons may be used to cause a fire, burn items or destroy them completely while under constant surveillance. The same weapons will be used on a selected member in the home for eugenics and testing of the system.




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